How to move netbsd to another drive?
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Никита Степанов
2020-05-12 09:22:23 UTC
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Thomas Mueller
2020-05-15 09:38:59 UTC
man dd
That doesn't always work. I got an unmountable, unreadable file system when I dd'ed from a disk effectively with 512-byte sectors to a disk with 4096-byte sectors not pretending to be 512 bytes.

The latter disk was external, Micronet Fantom, but I think the same applies to external USB hard drives of other brands such as Seagate and Western Digital.


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Michael van Elst
2020-05-15 17:14:40 UTC
Post by Thomas Mueller
man dd
That doesn't always work. I got an unmountable, unreadable file system when I dd'ed from a disk effectively with 512-byte sectors to a disk with 4096-byte sectors not pretending to be 512 bytes.

First the filesystem cannot handle fragments smaller than a sector.

And second, if fragments are at least sector size you still need to
fix up the superblock, which you can do with tunefs -S,
Michael van Elst
Internet: ***@serpens.de
"A potential Snark may lurk in every tree."

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